I'm sitting outside in my back yard now doing school. I find it strange that it snowed in October and I find myself in shorts in November. Some of my mother's flowers are in full bloom and that makes me happy. Our yard looks quite lovely indeed.

I've now stopped 3 Obama people who were going from door to door with flyers. :) I've pointed out that I'm voting for McCain because I'm home schooled and want to home school my children to be able to be homeschooled as well (something unlikely to happen if Obama Hussein is put into office). I honestly am excited for tomorrow (but nervous still). I want to pick up a McCain Palin yard sign before Tuesday just because this is a very historical election and I want to show it to my grand kids someday. I mean I've never seen a "Nixon -- Lodge 1960" yard sign. That would be pretty cool to own!

I already find myself looking forward to Christmas. I've been saying Merry Christmas a lot lately. Heh heh heh. But Thanksgiving has me equally escited. It's a much more relaxed Holiday. And I havn't seen Evan for a long time too. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I even chatted with him. He's such a loser.

I'm very excited for my RPG. I need a name for it. Any suggestions?

To God Be the Glory

4:00 PM on the 3rd of November in The Year of Our Lord 2008.


Arne Estelle said...

I agree fully with everything you said. Especially the loser Evan part. ;P

Varda said...

Wait. . . You're not old enough to vote! . . . . Are you?

Carpenter said...

No I can not vote legally, but I find no need in telling stupid "Wraith Worshippers", *cough, *cough, I mean liberals that fact.

Unknown said...

As for a RPG name..I think that regardless of what you name it, "Sam's RPG" is ultimately what it will end up being called.

Carpenter said...

Sam's RPG sounds good to me.