Hello Monday, Here We Go Again!

Hello Monday, here we go again. . . .

Can't say I love Mondays . . . at all really. First let me say that the only thing considering politics I'll say in this blog is that I am severely annoyed by so many people telling me that we should "really really pray for Obama now that he's President." I've heard it is too many times (many times the same person over and over again) that it is, like stated above, annoying me. In matter of the fact I have been praying for Obama since March. So please stop telling me to pray.... Thank you. ;)

New business! Ummm.....well....let's see..... hmmmm... Oh! I scored 100% on my math test! That always makes me happy. :) There was one answer I couldn't figure out so I took a guess. And with a 60% luck roll, and with there being a 1/6 chance I guess right, I got it!
My RPG is also coming along wonderfully. I finally finished the character sheets and the only things to do now are; Work on the charms, tweak the system for dice success's; and figure out my history. Perhaps by this weekend we'll be able to play! It will be a supplemental session due to my probably not having my history figured out by then. Never the less, I would like to test it before we really get into it anyways.
I am eagerly awaiting my dice too! :) I ordered them Friday so they should be here on
"relatively-soonday". It's little things like that, that help me get through the week. :)

I just got a reputation comment on the Gateworld forum. Wooo!!! Viva Los Hermiod! (Never mind to you non-sci-fi-nerds who read this)

I also need an idea for a Graphic Design project. It will be some sort of logo reflecting my name. It can consiste of my full name written out, or my initials, or possibly some made-up place, but I need a symbol/logo/clever design. I was thinking of a 2-d drawing of the earth shattered into seven pieces with: The word "Piece" and a hand showing the peace symbol above it. It would complimment my other anti-peace drawing quite well. ;) But I'm still open for ideas.

To God Be The Glory,

8:34 AM on the 10th of November, in The Year of Our Lord 2008.


Carpenter said...

My dice came this afternoon. I am waiting to open them.

Varda said...

I like the pic at the top. It's spiffy.