Pins and floor sensors now.

Well for my birthday I received some super amazing ski boots! Alpina brand :D! Thursday, I went to the Arboretum and skied along the trails for what seemed like three hours at least and what in actuality was barely under two hours. I got home, took a nap, watched some Stargate SG-1(s) and then went to bed. I slept great but in the morning was so very sore. >:( It was my right thigh which is extremely sore. In fact, I still cannot hold up that leg without support, without it hurting. But on a good note, I just got out of our hot-tub where I took a lovely relaxing "soak".
Earlier this evening I went with my cousin to see where Lucinda works, at American furniture. We arrived to find her busy with some costumers so we took the opportunity to take a nap in some of the massage-chairs! :)
Did I mention that my cousin is here for a visit? He's on his way back to Flint, Michigan from Washington (state). He's in the FBI, and so far we've had a lot of fun beating each other up. . . he beats me up more than I, him.
My rpg is still a working progress. I am almost done with the charms [finally :( ], and will now focus on the histoy and game-play of it. My friends have been sending me there character concepts wich we've been going through. I'm very looking forward to actually playing it someday. lol patience ya'll, patience. Don't rush art.

To God Be The Glory,

12:48 AM on the 13th of December in the Year of Our Lord 2008


Varda said...

What do pins and floor sensors have to do with you skiing?

Flint, MI! :D I know that place! And that's sweet that you have a relative in the FBI. . .

Carpenter said...

Yeah, one of his brothers is a Lieutenant in the Navy and another is a lawyer. I actually have contacts in every form of military come to think of it.

Fenton McKnight said...

Hey, guess what? I've been watching Stargate as well, recently. Except I started in the wrong order....watching Atlantis first, but that's alright, as I like both of them (from what I've seen) and will continue to go on until I watch all of them. Oh, and have you ever seen the old Stargate movie from like 1993-94 that started the franchise? It's really kind of strange...

Yay for RPG! I look forward to playing it (after of course, I fix my character).

Carpenter said...

Yeah I only watched Stargate Atlantis to begin with too. But the day after Thanksgiving I bought all 10 seasons of SG1 and have been watching them for the past 2 1/2 weeks. I'm on season 4 now.
Yes I've heard of the movie and did a little research on it. It looks quite interesting indeed.

As I just finished explaining on TCS; "I'm just about done with the charms. I'm working on the history, current events, and ironing out the final stage of the mechanics of the game. I have not begun testing it yet though."