I've been working with my katana. I really want to spar more with it. Also, tonight when I go to karate, I'll be working with escrima sticks which are always fun. I just realized, or rather remembered that I have no pictures on my blog. I figure that's basically due to the fact that not enough people read this to warrant the need for pictures. Also there's plenty of pictures on faebook. I am smelling the sweet smell of brats on the grill. *sigh* there's somthing to be said for and Indian Summer.

To God Be the Glory

5:22 PM on the 23rd of September in The Year of Our Lord 2008.


Arne Estelle said...

PICTURES!!!PICTURES!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I believe that pictures would increase your readers ;P

Carpenter said...

What do you want pictures of? My katana and I?