I'm not the GM, I'm the "Game Keeper!" duh'

Well this weekend was very fun! Friday I went over to Faultersacks and played X-Box 360...in fact I do believe that's all i did. Oh well! I needed to beat Jake at least once at Halo 3 and I did! That night I watched i,Robot and cleaned my room and moved some furniture around. Luckily no one heard my upstairs at two in the morning moving my couch. heheh.
Saturday was very relaxing, all day i cleaned until the Faultersacks came over. We finally got around to creating their characters for my RPG! About time indeed. Then David came over and we managed to get in a few hours of game time in my RPG. It was a lot of fun and everyone loved my system. A few things are still in need of perfection yet. haha. It would'nt be an RPG if that wasn't the case.

This morning was very strange. I woke up at 4:30 AM, and could'nt get back to sleep. Finally at 5 AM, I decide I'll get some school done, so I accomplished two lessons of math and 3 episodes of SG1 before the sun even came up fully. :) But then I was tired so at nine O'clock I took a nap.
Sigh* Oh well.

I'll probably get around to posting my WorldView paper that I had to write. It was supposed to be 6 pages and ended up being 20 pages long. But luckily my teacher accepted it being 20 pages, which was really nice of him.

To God Be the Glory!

10:34 AM on the 2nd of February in the Year of Our Lord 2009.


Varda said...

:O lol You wrote a 20-page paper instead of a 6-page paper?? Wow. . .

Carpenter said...

Well, I couldn't fit it all into a 6 page paper. haha