Thanksgiving/Birthday/Christmas #1

Well it's that turning point in my week once again. Time to make one more push for school tomorrow [Thursday], and then I'll be finished for school for another week. I'm trying to see if people from my Chemistry class would agree to instead of having 'Thanksgiving week off from class, and then two week off in December for Christmas', have 3 weeks off in December for Christmas and no Thanksgiving break. The other people in my class said that would be cool with that, but I'm waiting to hear back from my teacher.
I'm very excited for Thanksgiving actually. My NSA classes deem the Thanksgiving week of school a "reading week" which interprets as 'not very much work at all'. I, will naturally keep working through Thanksgiving on all my classes (with the exception of Thursday) so as to have the entire month of December off of school completely! :D It's little things like that, that make me oh, so happy!
Oh, and what to do for my birthday? Hmmmmm.....I honestly have not thought too much about it. I'm definately thinking about hanging out with friends Friday December 5th. We could play RPG at my house, play LAN, go to a movie, or whatever. Saturday though, I'll be busy having a special birthday dinner with my family and Oma. . . . I usually request something that my mother does not make very often. I'm thinking Either Lasagna and Caesar Salad, or Beef Tenderloin and Watercress. Wow! :O Both of those sound very delicious.

I think I'll send out some e-mail about my birthday right now since I'm thinking about it.

To God Be the Glory,

8:11 PM on the 19th of November in The Year of Our Lord 2008.

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