Well, it's raining.

I watched Sarah Palin's speech last night.. I really think She will do an excellent job for President if it ever comes to that, Vice-President too for that matter. I'm glad McCain chose some one young. I'll be happy is they do for us what She did for Alaska.

I was looking through old files today and came across a letter I wrote to George W Bush about five years ago. I reads:

"Dear Mr. George Bush/President

I would just like to say I think that you're doing a wonderful job in your faith and I pray for you every night that God will offer his guidance for you and you will not have to worry over making decisions and I will always keep on praying for you. So good job and stick with your faith in Christ. God Bless America

~Sam Carpenter, (Madison Wisconsin age 12 6th grade, home schooled all my life, Christian)

God Bless you and you're family. "

Cute huh? Well cool thing is, about two weeks later I received a response. And it was not the pre-programed response either. It had a really cool seal on it and he signed his name. I still have it somewhere too.

Oh, and I have some sort of RPG session to go to tonight so w'll see how that goes. Somwhere in Belville.


8:56 AM, on the 4th of September, In the Year of Our Lord, 2008.


Heirron said...

Wow. The whole letter thing is very cool. It's kind of funny it took five years to get through, but still, very cool. :)

RPG thing? Can you expound further, especially now that you've been there and back again? (hehe)


Carpenter said...

No, I received the letter about two months after I sent it five years ago.