The Entertainment Issue

Well I've done it. I have finished all of SG1. Last night I watched Season 10, episode 20/200 "Unending". It wasn't a massive plot jumping episode but it was really fun and interesting. Now I look forward to finishing re-watching Atlantis, as well as the Stargate movies.

Stargate Universe is set for a fall premier, and the first trailer is out. I recommend you go and check that out.

Also, the Public Enemies trailer is out on Apple trailers now! That looks like an amazing movie. Did I ever tell you how I saw them filming the movie, and personally met Michael Mann, the director? Yep!

I built a really cool lego Puddle Jumper -- picture will be up on facebook soon.

Also, I am looking forward to being finished with my Worldviews class by the week of Easter! :)

To God Be the Glory,

9:14 AM on the 31st of March in The Year of Our Lord 2009

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