Happy New Year

Well Christmas has come and gone. So has New Years for that matter. My New Years Eve was rather lame actually, yet at the same time quite nice! Instead of going to any parties or social events, being the true nerd I am -- I stayed home and watched Stargate SG1 and drank a whole carton of eggnog. Sure, it seems like a rather lonely New Years Eve in the broad scheme of things but, with texting, facebook chat, and Gtalk, i managed to talk to a lot of people and wish them a Happy New Years anyways. What is this world coming to when you can be more social with people from the comfort of your own home instead of actually seeing them?!

Happy New Years to all!
For the record, I start school on Monday though this past week I've been slowly starting various subjects.

To God Be The Glory!

10:01PM on the 2nd of January In The Year of Our Lord 2009

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