Since so many people have asked, the RPG I've been playing is Exalted. the basis of the game is that the players are normla humans that have been chosen by the demigods and are thus "exalted". The sytem is complex and really cool. Well, at least complex compared to the RPG's I've played. The Charatcer sheet is below. My character is a Twilight -- kind of a rogue preist who doesn't care for peace like most preists do. He likes offensive magic as well as getting in fights.
-Exalted character sheet.
Anyways, I was going to go for a bikeride today but it's raining. The radar said 30% chance in the later-afternoon, but it's raining now.
And don't forget it's now been 7 years since teh World Trade Center. I still remember what I was doing that morning. I remember it quite well in fact.
To God Be the Glory,
10:52 AM on the 11th of September in The Year of Our Lord 2008.
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